Camera2Probe - Android camera capabilities

The most comprehensive database containing Camera2 API capabilities available


Private and business customers can get access to the online database or purchase a copy of the database for a one-time fee. Please refer to Pricing for detailed information. (cf. Camera2 API)





Basic Infos

With Camera2Probe Database, you can easily access information such as the model, manufacturer, build and SDK version, as well as the App version.
For every camera (back-/front-facing) detected on your device, you can find out the

  • support level,
  • raw support,
  • and Camera2 details
From camera type (logical, physical, or physically unsupported) to parent-camera information and facing direction, we've got you covered.

Advanced Infos

And that's just the beginning. Our Advanced Camera2 information service takes it up a notch. You'll have access to a range of valuable options for each camera, including

  • exposure, focus, whitebalance,
  • focal length, zoom levels,
  • stabilization modes,
  • intrinsic parameters and distortion coefficients.
This level of detail will give you the insight you need to fine-tune your device's camera settings and capture the perfect shots.

Don't miss out on our top-notch device information services.
Upgrade your device knowledge now and discover all the capabilities of your camera
